1. Sprinting
15-20 minutes warm-up; ramp up the effort gradually and then have a few high-speed efforts to prepare
Set out a ‘track’ either between lamp posts, cones, trees or trail obstacles that equates to a sprint of approximately six seconds. Roll into it slowly, or from a standing start, and then explode for maximum effort. Rest for three minutes and repeat
Aim for four to eight sprints (if time increases too much after four minutes, stop as you are getting too tired.)
2. 60-second efforts
15-20 minutes warm-up – ramp up the effort gradually and then have a few high-speed efforts to prepare
Eight x 30 seconds ‘hard’ effort / 15 seconds recovery
Three to five minutes rest
Repeat the block two or three times maximum.
3. Five-minute efforts
15-20 minutes warm-up – ramp up the effort gradually, and then have a few high-speed efforts to prepare
Find a suitable hill that you can time bottom to top. Ride at a hard, but consistent pace and time your effort. Ride back down (either a technical trail or roll back down the road) and then rest for at least the time it’s taken to climb the hill. Repeat the climb and try to hit the same time
Complete four to five efforts, or stop when the time increases markedly
Recover with a cool-down spin.
4. Functional Threshold Power
15-20 minutes warm-up – ramp up the effort gradually and then have a few high-speed efforts to prepare
Five minutes effort – imagine you’re in a time trial effort that lasts approximately 10 minutes. Go hard and keep the effort up
Five minutes recovery – easy spin and prepare for the main effort.
20 minutes time trial at maximum effort – find a quiet loop or out-and-back road that is relatively flat. Ideally you’ll have a means to record power output, but if not use a heart rate monitor to at least record maximum and average heart rate for the test. Pacing is key as 20 minutes is longer than you think, so be conservative to start with and build up. Your aim is to hold the maximum highest wattage throughout.
Reference: [https://www.redbull.com/in-en/how-to-improve-cycling-fitness]